Martin has been calling himself as the "Bestest big Brother." Since I have been sick Martin has been playing with Roxie more and more and he has even started to share some of his toys with her. Someday I feel like I live in the bathroom and since I do not need a party while I am taking care of business Martin has taken upon himself to "trick her" into playing with him.
Martin has been so awesome these last three weeks with Roxie being sick and now me being sick I have really started to notice he went from being my baby to being a "Big Boy." He also likes to point out he can stand up using the big potty and he likes using the big potty because he is a big boy.
So my baby is turning into a big boy and I never though I would say this but I truly miss my baby Martin but I'm also very excited to see what the future holds for my big boy.
Yes it is fun to have them grow up.