I have many wonderful childhood memories but one that always comes to mind is the dollhouse. Every Christmas from age 4 I would sit on Santa's Lap asking for a After years of asking a dollhouse and I finally received it when I was around 7 or 8 years old. I can still remember how I felt as I pulled the blanket off of the dollhouse Christmas morning being completely shocked and in awe that Santa brought me the greatest present anyone could ever want or have. I thought WOW Santa knew I had been trying very hard to be a good girl that year.
I played with it every day and as I grew up my Nephews would come to my room and play with my dollhouse. Although most of the time a tornado or a bomb usually killed everyone in the house leaving people and furniture throw around my bedroom.
I am so blessed to have my dollhouse mostly in one piece to hopeful share with my girls one day.
Thank you Mom for giving my one of the best Christmas present ever.
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