Monday, September 23, 2013

A little bit of everything

Roxie being silly.

Loves eating his toes
Its been so long since I remember my kids getting teeth I ignore all the signed.  Sleepless nights, not eating well and plan old fussy. Saturday night Hudson woke up crying almost screaming in pain which totally shocked me because he never cries let alone screams in pain.  I quickly pulled him out of the swing and nursed him back to sleep.  Than Sunday we all went to Stake Conference and Hudson was just so fussy and grabs my fingers and out of nowhere I feel a little bump on his gums and the more I rubbed the more I started to feel a sharp little point.  I finally get him to open his mouth without licking my fingers and there is a tiny white spot and not just one but two tiny white spots.  I couldn't believe it because he is only 4 months only and my other kids didn't cut teeth until the were between 6-8 months old.  Hudson is rolling from his back to his tummy and from his tummy to his back all the time but he still prefers to lay on his back and attack his toes.
Yesterday I told Doug I missed my tiny baby and I wish I could have a tiny baby all the time.  He suggest we buy a lap Dog that loves to cuddle. I don't want another 2 year old I just want a newborn.

Roxie got her new lens in her glasses she went from +2 to +3.  She was so excited to be able to see again and announced in the car "I can see Hudson he doesn't look so fuzzy anymore."

Roxie all so announced at the breakfast table she wants to be just like her Mommy!  I guess I must be doing something right if she wants to be just like me.

Fall Break is only a week away and we are all so excited because the weather is starting to cool down! 
Zoey punched Roxie again gotta run. Never a dull moment for a mommy.

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